A salute to our men in uniform

I was fortunate to watch the AFP Day celebrations that commenced on December 21, 2010. Although I only had a very vague idea on what a soldier is, seeing them in flesh and blood, complete with their crisp uniforms and equipment inspires me. I also had a better understanding of the various tasks that they perform.

Listening to the head of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the person of General Ricardo David, there is really no profession like the profession of arms for it entails not only tremendous sacrifices but rendering service for pure love of country and people.

The AFP anniversary will surely inspire other youths like myself who see something of great importance in embracing soldiery as not only a profession but a vocation whose entirety is dedicated to duty and service.

It maybe a bit late to congratulate these men in uniform but it is always on time and appropriate to relay our appreciation for what they do for our country, our society.

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