Thoughts to guide us by (For September 2010)

MANILA, Philippines - Nothing can turn back the hands of time and freeze the events prior to that deplorable mad-day Monday. While grieving over it can help soothe the spirit, act as balm for the soul, and guide us in moving on — let us with all resolve make the most painful and costly lessons and never-to-be-forgotten experiences derived from it — goad and direct us to adopt corrective measures ensuring this does not happen ever again!

There are times in life when crushing waves of tragic incidents can bring us to the brink of hopelessness. When such tragedy overwhelms our spirits — to almighty God we can turn for solace. Reach out to Him, our Savior. Cast all our burdens to Him — for there is no burden He cannot take, no load too heavy He cannot carry for us!

Trust His all-too-encompassing and merciful, loving, tender care. Though God loves us beyond our comprehension and understanding — His love does not spare us from trials and tribulations. It is the same infinite love that sees us through the stormy seas of life in God’s time!

All through life’s circumstances and trials — God’s presence stays with us through His enduring love, amazing grace, and astounding compassion.  

Let us pray, pray, pray, and hang on to our indomitable spirit and unshakeable FAITH. Storms of life shall all come to pass. Nothing in this world lasts forever . . . only God! And He has said: “Be of good cheers.


Peace and abundance to us all!


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