No to any Charter amendment before 2010 elections - David

MANILA, Philippines -This is with reference to the June 8, 2009 Postscript column of Mr. Federico Pascual wherein it was erroneously mentioned that Manila Representative Ma. Theresa Bonoan-David is one of the Representatives who voted for House Resolution No. 1109 which seeks to amend the 1987 Constitution through Constituent Assembly.

For the sake of fairness and truth, please be informed that Rep. Bonoan-David has explicitly expressed her opposition to any constitutional amendment, in whatever mode, before the 2010 Elections. In fact, the records of the Hearing of Committee on Constitutional Amendments last February 3, 2009 will attest to the fact that Rep. Bonoan-David voted NO to House Resolution 737 authored by Speaker Nograles proposing amendment to certain economic provisions of the Constitution, particularly on lifting the ban on foreign ownership of land. On the same hearing, Rep. Bonoan-David rejected any and all moves to amend the 1987 Constitution before 2010 including the proposed convening of Congress into a Constituent Assembly as contained in House Resolution 888.

While it is true that Rep. Bonoan-David is not against amending the 1987 Constitution per se, she believes however that this is not the appropriate time to amend the Charter.

We will be most appreciative and grateful if you will accord this clarification a certain space in your prestigious publication. EDGARDO C. REYES, Chief of Staff, Office of Rep. Ma. Theresa Bonoan-David

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