Stop deception

MANILA, Philippines - Our Congress is now in the process of approving House Resolution 737 that would brazenly allow foreigners to own land and allow their full participation in the exploitation of our natural resources and public utilities. We, the Youth Progressive Unity for Nationalist Orientation, strongly denounce this totally reprehensible act.

Land is an essential property of the people for it contains our very own minerals and natural resources and where we put up our offices and factories and our own homes. More than that, our land belongs to us by birthright. Considering the financial problems plaguing the majority of our people, and the buying power of the foreigners, especially the super wealthy globalists who will take advantage of this Amendment to the Constitution, the Filipino people may one day wake up to see that they have no land anymore in their own country.

We cannot emphasize the evil of this Resolution enough because the highest immorality in a country is for its political and economic leadership to give away its natural and human resources, thereby sacrificing the future of their children. We are absolutely sick and tired of being the generation that will inherit this economic chaos and political circus that we had nothing to do with in the first place. And we will not let our future be jeopardized than it already is. We will fight Resolution 737, for we are fighting for ourselves and future generations. To the promoters of 737: Please stop deceiving the Filipino people.CERISE CRUDO, Chairperson, Youth Progressive Unity for Nationalist Orientation

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