Salceda’s ‘Noah’s Ark’ may turn out to be admin’s ark for 2010

 This is a reaction to the recent proposal of Albay Governor and presidential economic adviser Joey Salceda’s so called “Noah’s Ark” that would allot P316 billion in three years as subsidy because of the projected height of devastation brought by the global economic storm.

It will more likely than not be just another source of administration campaign funds in the run up for the 2010 elections. Like the P728 million fertilizer fund scam, the P3.1 billion irrigation fund scam and the P5 billion swine fund scam, the P316 billion would just go to the pockets of unscrupulous politicians so that they can stay in power. What is worse is that yet again they are using the plight of the poor Filipino people as a cover for their corruption.

Gov. Salceda’s warning of “unprecedented human suffering” is way too late because it is already being experienced by majority of Filipinos since Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo came to power. It is only during her term that weekly oil price increases, P52 per kilo of rice price and power rates that are off the roof. The Macapagal-Arroyo regime has unleashed the worst suffering against the Filipino people since anyone can remember.

 No  amount of dole outs like Salceda’s “Noah’s Ark” can properly solve the basic problems of Philippine society that is mired in chronic crisis. It can even be used by crooked politicians like Gloria to their advantage. What should be done instead is to implement genuine agrarian reform and couple it with national industrialization for the long term. Meantime, the government must create more jobs, increase the wages of workers and remove the Value Added Taxes which resulted in the worst living condition of our people.

 Is the Macapagal-Arroyo regime willing to undergo these measures to alleviate the plight of majority of Filipinos? — MARITES LOPEZ, Public Information Officer, Bagong Alyansang Makabayan-Bikol (BAYAN-Bikol)

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