Concrete actions

Secretary Hermogenes Ebdane

Assistant Secretary Rafael Yabut III

Director Emmanuel Cuntapay

Dear Messieurs,

We in Universal McCann have always been concerned about lawful use of outdoor advertising. Repeatedly in the past few months, we have called attention to structures that encroach in the road right of way, and therefore are obvious violations of the law.

So we welcome and laud the actions taken by your team in dismantling such illegal structures in sidewalks and in center islands of the road in various parts of Metro Manila.

We appreciate your taking time to dialogue with us and quickly taking concrete actions.

We are hopeful this will be a continuing effort on your part. From our end, rest assured we will continue to be vigilant as we are one with you in your mission.

Thank you and more power to your team! — VENUS R. NAVALTA, Managing Director, Universal McCann

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