Christmas Aglaonema

MANILA, Philippines - The main problem of using Poinsettias for Christmas is that it does not stay well in low light locations. The plant sheds it leaves leaving the display unsightly within 10 days. Recently, interiorscapers are using Christmas Aglaonemas to augment or to replace Poinsettias totally in dark areas.

Christmas Aglaonemas are colored Aglaonemas bred for blotches of vivid colors on their leaves. The breeding of colored Aglaonemas originated in Thailand during the early 80’s. Indonesia started their lines during the 90’s.

The Christmas Aglaonemas can stay indoors and maintain their colors for 2 to 3 months making them useful for Christmas decorating. No shedding of leaves is reported after 2 months of use under low light intensity. Plants may be positioned alternately with Poinsettias.

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