Rhododendron vidalii
Scientific name: Rhododendron vidallii Rolfe subsp. vidalii
Family: Ericaceae
Local name: Lofong (Bontoc); tingei (Bontoc); Vidal’s Rhododendron (Engl.)
Distribution and habitat: Luzon (Cagayan, Isabela, Abra, Benguet, Mt. Province, Ifugao, Bontoc, Zambales, Bataan, Quezon, Laguna, Camarines Sur), Mindoro In montane forests from 1,000 to 2,000 m above sea level. Endemic.
Description: Shrub to small tree, to 3 m tall. Leaves crowded in pseudo whorls, ovate, with acute to rounded apex and tapering base, dark or pale green, to 4 cm long and to 2 cm wide. Flowers funnel-shaped, white, pedicelled, slightly scented. Stamens excerted, Fruit sub-cylindric, often curved.
Conservation Notes: This species is named after the Spanish botanist Sebastian Vidal y Soler. There are two subspecies: subsp. vidalii and subsp. brachystemon Argent, a rare plant found in Mt. Halcon, Mindoro. R. vidalii is an attractive shrub with white flowers. It has a high ornamental potential and is planted in some private gardens in Bontoc. It does not grow well in the lowlands. The species is threatened by habitat destruction and indiscriminate gathering for ornamental pur-poses. Some botanical gardens in Europe and the US cultivate this species.
For further information contact: Domingo A. Madulid, Philippine National Museum, Botany Division, P. Burgos St., Manila. Tel 5271218. Email: d.madulid@yahoo.com
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