Ti Plants

MANILA, Philippines - Cordyline terminalis or Ti plants has been grown in the Philippines for longest time that Filipinos think that they are native to Philippines. It is also known as the Hawaiian Good luck Plant or the “Tree of Kings”. 

During the 70’s, a Japanese by the name of Yamamoto brought in different color forms to Lucban, Quezon for propagation for export. The very attractive colorful varieties eventually found their way to the neighbors’ properties and now they are allover the country.

In its home ground, Polynesia, it is one of the most useful plants for tying, cooking and as garment. The original Grass skirt is not made from grasses but is made from Ti-leaves. The leaves are braided to make leaf leis for offering and for important visitors. The original broad leaf variety is used in wrapping chicken or pork for boiling Laulau chicken and pork.

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