Philippine Landscape Design Abroad

A prestigious Garden Center in Jakarta, Widjaya Garden invited the Philippines’ top landscape designer Yuyung La’O to do the Center’s main show window. The landscape was done in five days and wowed many Indonesians.

One of the biggest construction contractor in Jakarta invited Yuyung to a 1 hour breakfast cum landscaping session in his house and was so overwhelmed by the re-landscaping done by Yuyung in so short a time that he insist that Mr. La’O should come back to Indonesia and do his new house. He was an instant fan. The next day, he brought a three-star general to the ongoing landscaping work at the Garden Center and the general exclaimed he wanted a similar landscape in his house after he saw the still unfinished work.

Philippines has so many talented landscape designers and landscapers that are fielded out allover the world. A Kuwaiti Landscape contractor approached the author in the Garden Center after seeing the landscape done by Mr. La’O in Jakarta last month begging to organize a team of landscapers (Landscape Architect, Landscape designer, Maintenance Gardeners and Landscape Gardeners) for employment in Kuwait.

The Kuwaiti prefers Filipinos over other nationalities for their professionalism, cheerful disposition, communication skills and “rolling” landscape designs. He added that Thai and Indonesian landscapers always do flat designs. He should be coming to Manila on April to negotiate with a job placement office for the required landscapers to be fielded out allover the Middle East. 

In this time of world crisis, it is refreshing to know that other peoples believe in the talent and capabilities of Filipinos and wanted the same for their own country.

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