30 pass certification exam for industrial engineers

MANILA, Philippines -- Thirty examinees passed this year’s Industrial Engineering Certification Examination for Certified Industrial Engineers (CIE) given by the Industrial Engineering Certification Board (IECB), the certification arm of the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers (PIIE), last May 23.

In a statement, the PIIE announced a 50 percent passing rate for the exam.

Topping the test was Armando Radomes Jr. of University of San Carlos, who had a grade of 87 percent. At second is Francis Emmanuel Otadoy, also of University of San Carlos, with a score of 81.17 percent.

Adamson University’s Christopher Tupaz is at third with 79.71 percent, followed by Precie Daño of San Carlos University (fourth; 78.74 percent), Irish Dakay of University of San Carlos and Reinevic Ureta (tied at fifth; 77.77 percent). 

The oath-taking ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. on Aug. 28 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Makati City. 

The PIIE asks all passers to register with the PIIE-IECB Secretariat on or before Aug. 21. 

Complete List of Successful Examinees in the 1st Industrial Engineering Certification Examination

Held on May 23, 2009, Released on July 30, 2009

  • Aguilar, Nicandro III
  • Arciaga, Raquel
  • Bangcola, Khayr
  • Beltran, Maria Alecine
  • Bolisay, Florence Margaret
  • Bregente, Ma. Zarina Myla
  • Curbano, Ryan Jeffrey P.
  • Dakay, Irish T.
  • Daño, Precie O.
  • Furtos, Lilet
  • Inciong, Enrique II
  • Ladim, George Edrey
  • Laxamana, Lynden
  • Miravite, Jane Michelle
  • Otadoy, Francis Emmanuel C.
  • Padilan, Marivic V.
  • Panganiban, Charito
  • Quiambao, R-Jay
  • Radomes, Amando A. Jr.
  • Ramos, Charmaine
  • Recuerdo, Ciel Marion
  • Reyes, Mary Grace
  • Santos, Angeline Joy G.
  • Santos, Kristoffer
  • Sibi, Geraldene
  • Tuazon, Mildred N.
  • Tuozo, Rex Jayson M.
  • Tupaz, Christopher E.
  • Ureta, Reinevic L.
  • Verano, Rommel

Other details can be found at www.piie.org or www.iecb.com.ph.

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