More DepEd programs to benefit children with special needs

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Education is looking at designating resident psychologists in every DepEd division nationwide to assist teachers in handling students with special needs.

Special Education (SPED) Division Senior Education Program specialist Nancy Pascual said diagnostic assessments are important in the overall development of special kids.

Pascual said results of diagnostic assessments would help teachers in preparing students’ progressive reports and action plans.

“We are looking into having resident psychologists per DepEd division, but while that still remains to be seen, we are organizing events to train teachers how to informally assess children with special needs,” Pascual said.

DepEd-National Capital Region Director Luz Almeda said the education department implements various programs to promote the welfare and development of children with special needs.

“Through education, we set up channels to equal opportunities; formal, non-formal, or special education is treated in the same footing. Inclusive education promotes the welfare and development of all the various sectors in the society,” Almeda said.

Various bills have been filed in Congress, seeking the establishment of special education centers for children with special needs in every local government unit.

DepEd is pushing for the creation of a Bureau of Special Education to attend to the education of children with special needs and people with disability. 

DepEd estimates there are 5.49 million children with special needs, or 13 percent of the total population of children.

 Children with special needs are those who are autistic, gifted or talented, mentally retarded, visually impaired, hearing impaired, orthopedically or physically handicapped, learning disabled, speech defective, children with behavior problems, and those children that encounter health problems under the formal education system.

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