Text2Teach listed in Nominet Trust 100 most inspiring social-tech innovations

MANILA, Philippines - Innovative learning system Text2Teach makes it to Nominet Trust 100, a global list of the most inspiring applications of digital technology for social good.  Nominet Trust, UK’s leading Tech for Good funder, harnesses the power of digital technology to improve lives and communities.

Nominet Trust has compiled the Social Tech Guide which features the 100 most inspiring social tech innovations from across the world, curated by Charles Leadbeater with the help of a steering group comprised of prominent digital and social entrepreneurs.

“There are 11 countries all over the world that actually have a Text2Teach program under a mother program called Bridge IT and the Philippines is one of the model countries cited by UNESCO as among the best practices for mobile technology in education.  Our inclusion, therefore, in Nominet Trust 100 is a very good recognition of our efforts and the impact we have on our communities,” said Maria Lourdes Heras de Leon, president of Ayala Foundation, Inc.

Conceptualized in the United States and piloted in the Philippines, Text2Teach provides teachers with a highly effective visual aid, creating an interactive, student-focused learning environment in the classroom. The videos are watched using 29-inch television sets provided by the project. The lesson plans that come with the teachers’ guides are fully integrated into the basic education curriculum and created to meet local education guidelines and standards.

Text2Teach aims to improve student performance in English, Math, Science, and Values Education through some 400 pre-downloaded instructional videos.  The materials help create an environment of strong interaction and engagement for Grades 5 and 6 students.

Text2Teach is being implemented in the Philippines by the Text2Teach Alliance composed of Ayala Foundation Inc., Nokia, Globe Telecom, Department of Education, and Pearson Foundation, with Toshiba Corp. as its project partner.

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