Military adopted school gets mini library

MANILA, Philippines - A military adopted public elementary school located in a depressed community in Iloilo got its first-ever mini library to enhance the learning skills of about 220 impoverished pupils coming from several highland communities in the province. Col. Arnold Quiapo, 301st Infantry Brigade commander, said with the recent putting up of a mini-library at Alegria Elementary School in Barangay Alegria, Dingle, Iloilo and the donation of books and other reading materials by various stakeholders, the schoolchildren are no longer playing around during their free time, but instead are spending their time inside their school library. “Instead of playing around during their free time, more and more pupils are now going to the school’s mini-library. More than ever, they are now interested to learn more,” Air Force T/Sgt. Johnny Felipe, one of the soldiers involved in overseeing the construction and maintaining the mini-library. “With about 1,800 assorted books, the public elementary school is the first school in upland communities to have a mini-library,” Quiapo said.                                                                            

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