The gentle presence of our Lord and his mother in the Phl since 1984

Everyone longs for wonders and miracles. Since the EDSA Revolution in 1986 the shrine at the corner of Annapolis and Eisenhower streets was dedicated as a spiritual site “where divinity descends for humanity to ascend.” It is the second of what the Holy Ones refer to as the Trinity of Shrines, which marked three national disasters in the Philippines. The first shrine of Our Lord, the Blessed Mother, and St. Francis near St. Germaine Castle was spiritually requested for Hacienda Faraon and Hacienda Tamsi in 1984, during the sugar disaster and the destructive rebel movement, which impoverished Negros Occidental. Even before 1986, the Holy Ones requested us, through Punay Kabayao Fernandez, to have the Grotto of Our Lord of Sacrifice and Our World Mother be put up in the O.B. Montessori quadrangle in celebration of the EDSA Revolution. The main sculptor and painter was psychic Pempe Floriano, who did the smiling and lifelike sculpture of Ninoy Aquino in a dark suit, right after his assassination. Pempe Floriano has become the artist-in-residence of the O.B. Montessori Center since then.

1986 - San Francesco and Niño Bonito as a preschooler

In 1986, the silver anniversary of O.B. Montessori Center, St. Francis of Assisi and Niño Bonito, were sculpted upon request. Seated on a gold-brass chair, life-like 4-year-old Jesus wearing an OBMC preschool uniform, was done in wood. The statue of gentle St. Francis, with messenger pigeons on his shoulders and hand, was erected along Annapolis Street in Greenhills to bless passing pedestrians. The mystical frescoes of St. Francis and St. Claire blessing 200 animals was painted on a wall inside what is now the new French restaurant Brasserie Cicou, managed by Chef Cyrille Soenen, the industry partner of the new Istituto Culinario.

1990 to 1992 - The prayer room, the Mt. Pinatubo Hidden Temple Shrine

Meantime, 1990 marked the Gulf War. The Holy Ones requested that our Lord of Wisdom and Compassion, and Our Lady of Liberty and Hope, the latter wearing the Star of David, be sculpted — this time in wood, for the prayer room in the second floor, where a continuous flow of miracles occur to this day.

Between 1991 and 1992, when the Mt. Pinatubo volcano erupted, the gigantic and heavy statues of Our Lady of Love and Redemption accompanied by the praying Blessed Mother were requested for the Mt. Pinatubo Hidden Temple Shrine, facing the volcano 20 km. away at Sitio Palan, San Marcelino. Pempe Floriano and his assistant, Billy Tenolete, miraculously finished both statues in three months — Blessed Mary by Christmas time and Resurrected Jesus just before Easter Sunday. The late Punay, who always supervised the sculpting of the mystical art works, revealed that it was the spirit of a great Italian Renaissance sculptor and painter who overshadowed them. As a parting gift of the Americans, the last Subic Bay Admiral Tom Mercer helped install them using a giant 35-ton crane, pay loader and welder with the PWC crew of workers led by Capt. John Lehman and Engr. Hal Driver. They stayed at the Philseco Shipyard dormitory in Subic courtesy of its chairman, Captain Fil Salonga, Lea’s father, who has been president of the Mt. Pinatubo Hidden Temple Shrine Foundation Board.

1993 - The Lord of Sixteen Summers on a stallion

The Lord Prince on a stallion was the Christmas gift to the nation in 1993. The tenth mystical work, 18-ft tall Lord of Sixteen Summers (or the Lord of Love) rides high on a huge white stallion, Tempo, was erected in front of the O.B. Montessori headquarters. These two official titles refer to the Lord of Creation. They stand on a large pedestal box, which is as colorful as a treasure box. Justice, knowledge, and spiritual life are symbolized by various colorful figures all around the pedestal. The front side shows a “golden bell” symbolizing Our Lord’s divine call to all of us. Three mystical roses — white for purification, pink for universal love and light blue for healing — are next to the bell. Below the bell is inscribed “Wheel of Justice,” whose principal message is: “What you, sow you will reap.”

1994 - The Holy Family Monument completed for the Pope’s visit

Christmas of 1994 found the completion of the monumental complex of the Holy Family, so beautiful although unpainted. The Holy Ones requested for a red velvet curtain with gold tassels as background. The following month, the Holy Father visited the Philippines. One hundred sixty male students from the Marinduque Institute of Science and Technology lodged with us to participate in the various events prepared for Pope John Paul II.

Joseph and Mary in the temple of Jerusalem proudly watched the 12-year-old blonde, and blue-eyed Jesus preaching to the Pharisees, some of whom were enlightened in their humility, while the others looked down on Jesus with arrogance, disdain and intense jealousy. There are a total of 13 gigantic, handsome figures covered by a magnificent Doric temple roof, which people as far as Unimart could see.

The most touching figure of all, and which Italians call aggiornato or current fashion, is that of a handsome mother with a healthy baby feeding close to her breast kneeling before Our Lord. The other striking personality is the tall and majestic Pharisee, who looks exactly like Moses by Michelangelo. Was Michelangelo the spirit guide of the sculptor Floriano for the 13-figure monument? According to Punay, the Italian maestro would not reveal his name.

1995 - Angelique Victoria, the Angel of Sacrifice and Hope

The following year, in 1995, as the new eight-story facade of the O.B. Montessori College loomed in Greenhills shopping area, the 22nd spiritual creation was produced. The largest and most beautiful angel in the whole country, Angelique Victoria (or Angel of Sacrifice and Hope) was painted with the inscription, “Through Pains to Gains” — referring to 30 years various encounters of the school. As a mural painting, she has been robed in fuschia and violet with a rose in her bodice, framed by sparkling giant golden wings.

As always, both the late Punay Fernandez and Pempe Floriano worked closely on each dictated detail of color, texture, body, and facial expressions taking a total of six months. They paid particular attention to the outline of the hands holding the Holy Grail and Sword. Punay also reminded us to pray continuously because negative forces often distracted the sensitive sculptor.

The chalice is the highest divine symbol of mankind, evoking God the Son’s greatest SACRIFICE for man and the HOPE it brings. Ever since the Last Supper, the Holy Grail has been associated with the spiritual battle of man against evil. King Arthur and his Excalibur sword have inspired leaders of great nations. Men like Winston Churchill, Douglas MacArthur, John F. Kennedy, Jose Rizal and Ninoy Aquino courageously followed The Way with all its crushing passion and crucifixion. They in turn have inspired the literate youth, especially during these crucial times.

Schools help keep alive the quest of the youth to reach these ideals. Thus teachers must know how to uplift their souls, not only expand their minds and vivify their understanding.

Dec. 25, 1995 - photo finish, the Holy Family in technicolor

The mural of Angelique Victoria was finished by Dec. 7, 1995. The next day was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the painting of the Holy Family was started. At first, the Holy Ones objected to my secret wish that the 13 figures be painted in time for Christmas.

There were only two weeks left before Christmas. Pempe calculated that each statue would require two weeks to paint. Thirteen of them would therefore need more than six months. But after a few days, just while Angelique was almost finished, the Holy Ones changed their mind, granting my wish.

Lo and behold, the whole ensemble was all colorfully painted from Dec. 8 to the eve of Dec. 24. Philippine STAR put this colored picture on its front page for its Christmas issue 1995.

The shrine blessings continue to flow

Between 1996 to 1998 the OBMC College started to operate offering two courses, the Montessori Pre-School Teacher Training course and a four-year course in Culinary Service. Eventually, two-year Proficiency courses for each specialization were added, together with an apprenticeship with the Italian Ristorante La Dolce Fontana along Annapolis Street.

I continued to work in the UNESCO National Commission from 1986, when I was elected to the Executive Board of UNESCO Paris, until 2002. From that year to 2010, I became Secretary General of the UNESCO National Commission, initiating projects to meet the goal of quality education for the UNMDG 2015 by introducing the EFA DAKAR pilot Pagsasarili project in the Pulung Bulu public school at Angeles, Pampanga (which is about to integrate to a professional high school next year to serve as a K-12 model). In partnership with local government, Luzon DepEd regional offices and the teacher training state colleges of Leyte, Cadiz and Mati, Davao, we have helped establish 156 affordable Pagsasarili Montessori preschools in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

Alongside this effort, since 1986 to 2010, I and my UNESCO Commissioners exchanged visits with ten Southeast Asian countries surveying their comprehensive educational systems while seeking their recognition for our proposal to be Category 2 Center as Southeast Asia Center for Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development (SEA-CLLSD). At the 2010 General Conference, DG Koichiro Matsuura and the Executive Board officially approved the SEA-CLLSD of the Philippines as Category 2 Center.

A wisp of wind, a glimmer of gold, the hand of God of Love enfolds.

Raindrops of hope, dewdrops of care, gentle reminders, God’s everywhere.

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