UP-CHE offers MHRIM degree program

MANILA, Philippines - The University of the Philippines, College of Home Economics, Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management announced the offering of a graduate degree program leading to a Master’s degree in Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management (MHRIM). The MHRIM program is intended to further equip the growing number of business owners and professionals working in lodging, foodservice and similar institutions, as well as for faculty members of colleges and universities in the field of hospitality management who are committed to a graduate program. Anent to this, a five-day Hospitality Management seminar is being offered to prepare interested applicants into admission to the graduate program.

In 1970 the University of the Philippines pioneered in hospitality management education when it launched the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Administration (BSHRA) – the first in the Philippines. The undergraduate program has since been revised to BS Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management (BSHRIM), and continues to be the authority in hospitality management education amidst the growing number of institutions of higher learning that offer the same program.

In 1982, the Masters in Food Service Administration (MFSA) was created to build on the abilities of professionals for managerial positions in industry and to upgrade competencies of those in the academe who teach and undertake researches on the food service industry. The MFSA was the first master’s program in the field of hotel and food service in the country. Its transformation to MHRIM program provides a broader scope to include deliberately, service businesses like hotels and restaurants, and other related institutions offering accommodations and food like educational complexes, hospital and health care systems, industrial and contract feeding that have recently evolved to more complex operations as well as rehabilitation centers, home for the elderly, mass evacuation centers often overlooked in terms of management. The program was designed to meet the expressed needs of stakeholders for higher competence in the technical areas and new developments in the management of hospitality and related establishments. The program has a stronger research orientation. The MHRIM program has a 34-unit requirement, and may be completed in three years. Initial intake is now open for the 1st semester of 2012-2013.

On the other hand, the five-day Hospitality Management seminar provides attendees with basic knowledge in Hospitality Management, Quantity Food Production, Revenue Management and Cost Control, Work Study and Facilities Planning and Design. The first run of this seminar will start this March 24.

For inquiries regarding admission requirements and the seminar, contact Dr. Shirley Guevarra, Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management (DHRIM) the College of Home Economics, Alonso Hall, UP Diliman, tel. nos. 9220291, 9818500 local 3410 or email hrim.che@up.edu.ph.

Globally, the MFSA ranked No. 19 among masteral programs in food and beverage in a survey (2011) by Best master.com (http://www.best-masters.com./ranking-master-luxury-management-food-and-beverage.html? PHPSESSID=0a79e56938028062695a6820ca7aaa12) based on position and salary of the graduate, the only local program that made it to the list.

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