'Instant reader' advocacy benefits Pinoys

MANILA, Philippines - Here is great news for educators and parents involved in early education advocacy. Veronica Quintana-Arioder — teacher, trainer and developer of “Instant Reader Program” in the Philippines, told media that the “first instant reader program” in the world that could actually teach a Filipino child as young as three years of age to read in 30 days or less, is now available to all preschool kids across the country.

“Our fast track lifestyle — fast food chains, instant meals, computer games, automated transactions, etc. relentlessly pose in us the fact that we are all pressed for time. It’s undeniable that even children as young as three years old can easily cope and manipulate every “tekkie” gadget in the market even before they begin to read. Everyone is pressured to accomplish and produce more in lesser time. However, it would be honest to say that reading — as the very basic core to learning has taken a back seat. It did not cope with the so called “e-living we are in,” says Prof. Quintana-Arioder.

This is the very reason why FastPREP, Inc. (Fast Track Preschool Reading Program) came out, took the challenge and initiated the addition of a new category in early reading and literacy, she added. If our kids can quickly move along with the innovations of media and technology, there is absolutely no doubt that they can successfully match with the proven, research-based, values-laden and child-friendly approach of FastPREP — reading the fast track way, she further emphasized. “If a small child can utter words and mimic sounds, if he can see and distinguish objects, if he has all the natural faculties to respond to his surroundings, then what is the reason why teaching pre-schoolers to read early has to be delayed. In fact it is very possible to fast track the teaching of reading,” the instant-reader advocate stressed.

FastPREP Instant Reader Program has strongly proven its claim and is out to share it to more children here in our nation and across the globe. The said English teacher and school directress of The Learning Place, a progressive private elementary school located at UP Campus Los Baños, received her Bachelor Degree in Development Communication at the same university and took-up her M.A. in Education Technology at UP in Diliman, Quezon City. She is currently involved in the research and development of FastPREP, Inc., aside from her other involvements in the curriculum/learning resource development of various teacher trainings and seminars across the country. “Our advocacy on the need to teach reading instantly is not just for moms and dads with preschool kids, but for educators, school administrators, government leaders and agencies who do aim to empower our nation through early childhood education and literacy,” Veronica emphasized.

Free info/data on “Instant Reader Program” may be accessed via (049) 5762099/ (049) 5762098 or visit website: www.fastprep.net.

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