Starting right

Do you believe that in starting right half the work is done? Any student or learner or anyone who cares about learning, development, or education does believe in such adage.

As another school year is here with us again, let us go through the year right by being serious in our work as students, or as mentors, or as personnel in school. Going and coming to school doesn’t mean escaping the work at home. It doesn’t mean letting the time pass by with us just roaming idly around. It does mean a precious time for learning and actual doing. Whether we are learners or educators or leaders or even school employees, let us be punctual in our school attendance and school work. Let us be prepared for the day’s activities. Let us participate actively in whatever assignments expected of us to accomplish. Let us forget the “bahala na” and “never mind” attitudes. Instead, let us perform our share of work and the things required and expected of us. These things can be done and achieved through patience, dedicated work and honest toil. For, as the sage said, to wit:

The dignity, utility and necessity of labor; and life of activity for the maintenance and intellectual as well as the muscular suppleness, for the conservation of peace and order, for the increase of our material welfare, and for the benefit of all — these are the elements that ought to characterize our mentality.

There is nothing difficult if only we are willing and determined. And if we all place our hearts, and minds, and souls in the things we do, then, half the battle is won. Then we can proudly proclaim “we have done our part”.

Let this school year 2009-2010, therefore, be an inspiration by making the most of it.

ANTONIO C. DY teaches at the Agoo East Central School, Agoo, La Union.

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