Global academic avenues for Filipino students

Pursuing an international education is a truly valuable investment. It spells a lot of difference for one who is venturing out into the world, which has evolved into one interconnected and interdependent marketplace with globalization. More knowledge and experience of other cultures gives one a global perspective – a deeper understanding and appreciation of people, business and ways of life. 

Choosing the country in which to live and learn is the first step in charting your career path and future but it could be an addling task. To help Filipino students make informed choices on studying abroad, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom aligned its educational sectors to form the Commonwealth Education Group (CEG). This organization is comprised of IDP Education Pty Ltd Australia, Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise and British Council (UK). Together, they promote international studies and provide much needed information on educational opportunities in each of the four member countries. 

According to Andrew King, country director of IDP Education Pty Ltd Australia, “the Australian education system is globally regarded for its effective structure and innovative policy developments. Many other countries that are eager to improve their own education systems turn to Australia for advice.”

“In Canada, great importance is placed on learning and so it developed a first-rate education system with high standards,” said Ramon Yazon, Trade Commissioner, Government of Canada.

“New Zealand is regarded all over the world as a provider of quality education. It has a progressive education system that produces students reputed to be the new breed of innovative thinkers,” explained Ramoncito Bernales, trade commissioner of New Zealand Trade & Enterprise.

“Study options in United Kingdom are vast and comprehensive,” shared William Gancia, education program manager of the British Council.

For queries and more information, contact (02) 9141011 (British Council), (02) 8160755 (IDP Education Pty Ltd), (02) 8579137 (Canadian Trade Commissioner Service) or (02) 8914625 (New Zealand Trade and Enterprise). 

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