
Daily Bread

Rescued from powerful enemies

The Philippine Star
Rescued from powerful enemies

God rescued me from my powerful enemy. 2 Samuel 22:18

In 2010, at the age of ninety-four, George Vujnovich was awarded the bronze star for organizing what the New York Times called “one of the greatest rescue efforts of World War II.” Vujnovich, son of Serbian immigrants to the US, had joined the US Army. When word arrived that downed American airmen were being protected by rebels in Yugoslavia, Vujnovich (who wanted to go on the mission himself, but could not) put together a three-man team that parachuted into the country and located the pilots. The soldiers were divided into small groups and taught how to blend in with the Serbs (wearing Serbian clothes and eating Serbian food). Then, over months, each small group was walked out one at a time to C-47 transport planes waiting at a landing strip they’d cut out of the woods. Vujnovich helped rescue 512 elated, joyful men.

David described the elation of being rescued by God from enemies who’d hemmed him in with no escape. God “reached down from on high and took hold of me,” David said, “he drew me out of deep waters” (2 Samuel 22:17). King Saul, enraged with jealousy, hounded David, ruthlessly seeking blood. But God had other plans. “He rescued me from my powerful enemy,” David recounted, “from my foes, who were too strong for me” (v. 18).

God rescued David from Saul. He rescued Israel from Egypt. And in Jesus, God came to rescue all of us. Jesus rescues us from sin, evil, and death. He’s greater than every powerful enemy. Winn Collier



Where do you feel hemmed in, with no escape from lies you believe or sin that binds you? How do you see Jesus coming to rescue you?

All-powerful God, I need to be rescued. If You don’t help me, I’m finished. I have no escape. So I’m turning to You. Please help me.

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