Patiently waiting

Be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord.               James 5:7

If we truly believe that Jesus is coming back, we have good reason to be patient. Why should we not endure indignity and injustice if we know that ultimate and absolute justice is just around the corner? Is there any better hope than to know that Jesus is coming again to set everything right?

Like the farmer, we look ahead with hope. The farmer plants the seed and waits patiently for the harvest. Likewise, we await the time when God will judge evil men and women and reward Christ’s followers. He has given us His word that He’s coming back. It’s the surest thing in the world. When German pastor and theologian Helmut Thielicke was asked what he will say to Jesus at His return, he replied, “I knew You meant it.”

The “good life” here is a bonus, not something we deserve. Unrelieved suffering and oppression may well be our lot here on earth. But remember, we suffer for Jesus’ sake (Philippians 1:29). Although circumstances may seem bleak at present, there’s a better day coming. Beyond the world of sight there is a Judge keeping watch over His own, waiting to answer every plea and avenge every wrong. God hates injustice and will vindicate us in due time

“Therefore,” James said, “be patient” (5:7).                                   — David Roper

Keep me praying, keep me trusting

Every step along life’s way!

Keep me waiting, keep me watching,

For He may return today! — Thiesen

READ: James 5:7-11

The hope of Christ’s coming can keep us going.

The Bible in one year:

• Hosea 5-7

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