Gospel power

 I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.  — Romans 1:16

One reason many Christians are so hesitant to witness for Christ is that they fear failure. They forget the life-changing power of the gospel.

Peter V. Deison, in his book The Priority Of Knowing God, tells about Ramad, a man in India who was a member of a gang of robbers. On one occasion, while burglarizing a house, Ramad noticed a small black book containing very thin pages just right for making cigarettes. So he took it. Each evening he tore out a page, rolled it around some tobacco, and had a smoke. Noticing that the small words on the pages were in his language, he began to read them before rolling his cigarettes.

One evening after reading a page, he knelt on the ground and asked the Lord Jesus to forgive his sins and to save him. He then turned himself over to the police, much to their amazement. Ramad the bandit became a prisoner of Jesus Christ. And in the prison where he served his sentence, he led many others to the Savior.

What was the book he had been reading? It was a Bible. The Holy Spirit used “the gospel of Christ,” and for Ramad it became “the power of God to salvation” (Romans 1:16).

Because there is great power in the gospel, we can always share the good news with confidence.

                             — Richard De Haan


The words we speak, the lives we live

Say much about the Lord we love;

But power in our witnessing

Comes from God’s Word, sent from above. — Sper

READ: Romans 1:1-17

Religion can reform but only the gospel can transform.

The Bible in one year:

• Daniel 7-9

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