Life's greatest moment

Whoever believes in [Jesus] should not perish but have eternal life. — John 3:15

What a night for the Minnesota Twins baseball team in 1987! They had just defeated the Detroit Tigers and won the American League pennant for the first time in 22 years. More than 50,000 people, young and old, crowded into the Metrodome to welcome their victors home from Detroit. Banners were waving, horns were blaring, the crowd was cheering. There were even tears of joy.

The players were surrounded by members of the news media. One reporter in the crowd called out to Greg Gagne, the Twins’ star shortstop, and commented, “This has got to be the greatest moment of your life.” Quietly Gagne replied, “Actually, no. That was the moment I asked Jesus Christ into my life.”

We enjoy high moments when some hard-won goal has been reached or a victory has been achieved. But as Christians, we realize that our times of triumph are less than dust and ashes compared with the moment we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. It’s a decision that changes our destiny forever (John 3:15-16).

Have you experienced that greatest of all moments? If so, you have reason to celebrate. If you haven’t, you can make that destiny-changing decision right now. — Vernon Grounds

It’s Your Decision

Your sin separates you from God, but His perfect Son died in your place, and rose from the grave. Turn in faith to Jesus Christ and accept God’s forgiveness.

READ: John 3:1-21

What you decide about Christ determines your destiny.

The Bible in one year:

• Ezekiel 37-39

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