Small is beautiful

Who has despised the day of small things?      — Zechariah 4:10

Just the other day someone said of a friend, “This man is destined for a great ministry,” by which he meant he was headed for the big time — a high-profile church with a big budget.

It made me wonder: Why do we think that God’s call is necessarily upwardly mobile? Why wouldn’t He send His best workers to labor for lifetime in some small place? Aren’t there people in obscure places who need to be evangelized and taught? God is not willing that any perish.

Jesus cared abut the individual as well as the masses. He taught large crowds if they appeared, but it never bothered Him that His audience grew smaller every day. Many left Him, John said (John 6:66), a fickle attrition that would have thrown most of us into high panic. Yet Jesus pressed on with those the Father gave Him.

We live in a culture where bigger is better, where size is the measure of success. It takes a strong person to resist that trend, especially if he or she is laboring in a small place.

But size is nothing; substance is everything. Whether you’re pastoring a small church or leading a small Bible study or Sunday school class, serve them with all your heart. Pray, love, teach by word and example. Your little place is not a steppingstone to greatness. It is greatness.     — David Roper

The Lord will give you help and strength

For work He bids you do;

To serve Him from a heart of love

Is all He asks of you. — Fasick


READ: John 6:53-71

Little is much when God is in it.

The Bible in one year:

• Exodus 9-11

• Matthew 15:21-39

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