Unused muscles

The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.    — 1 Corinthians 12:7

My wife recently visited a physiotherapist to seek relief for her neck and shoulder pain. When the problem did not go away after several visits, she asked why. She was told that her pain was because of some “lazy neck muscles.”

Apparently, the neck muscles that were supposed to hold her head upright were not doing their jobs. As a result, her shoulder muscles had to take over the function of holding up her head. This resulted in unnaturally stiffened shoulder muscles. The solution? Exercises were prescribed to train her neck muscles to do what they were designed to do.

In a way, her problem depicts what happens in the body of Christ. God has given each believer gifts that are to be exercised for the common good of the church (1 Cor. 12:7). But when some don’t pull their weight, others far less gifted in those areas must pitch in. Although the body of Christ continues to function, it is not functioning at its best. There are some overworked Christians around!

God wants us to use our spiritual gifts to benefit others in the church. When we work together, we keep the body strong. What has God gifted you to do so that you can help relieve the strain the church is suffering?     — C. P. Hia

All Christians have been gifted

By grace from God above,

Equipped to build and strengthen

The church in faith and love.         — Fitzhugh

READ: 1 Cor. 12:14-27

Teamwork divides the effort and multiplies the effect.

The Bible in one year:

• Jeremiah 19-21

• Proverbs 3:11-26

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