Identity theft

Whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment.       — Matthew 5:22

Several years ago while having lunch with a friend, a white man called me “boy.” Shock gave way to anger and hurt. My friend even shed tears. Why? The term boy was an insulting label used of black men in the US during slavery, an attempt to steal their identity by demoting them to less than men. As that ugly word recklessly barreled its way through my soul, I wanted to respond with an equally unkind name. But some ancient words from our Master about murder and anger changed my mind.

As Jesus was teaching His followers, He quoted the sixth commandment — “You shall not murder” — and the penalty for breaking it (Matt. 5:21). Then He gave a fuller interpretation. Taking someone’s life was not limited to physical murder; you could show contempt for someone through name-calling and be just as guilty. In Jewish culture, to call someone “Raca” or “Fool” (v. 22) was the equivalent of calling someone empty-headed or an idiot. It was used to demean and demote another. What makes name-calling so damaging is that it insults the God who created that person in His image!

Jesus taught His followers that the weight of our neighbor’s glory is a burden we carry daily. If we follow His teaching, we won’t be guilty of identity theft.        — Marvin Williams

Teach me to love, this is my prayer —

May the compassion of Thy heart I share;

Ready a cup of water to give,

May I unselfishly for others live.     — Peterson

READ: Matthew 5:21-26

To insult the creature is to insult the Creator.

The Bible in one year:

• Numbers 7-9

• Proverbs 21:1-10

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