We call life’s older years the "sunset years." But are they really that rosy? For some, they are. But for many others, even Christians, the sunset years may become clouded with bitterness or despair.
To minimize this, we must make it our goal early in life to get the right focus. Robert Kastenbaum understood this. He wrote, "I do feel an increased sense of responsibility to this future self and to all those who cross my path. What kind of old man will I be, given the chance? The answer to that question depends largely on the kind of person I am right now."
As I have observed contented older people, I’ve learned that it is our focus more than our feelings that determines the sort of people we are. I once visited a godly woman in her nineties who was feeling her age in every joint and organ. "Old age ain’t for sissies!" she groaned honestly. Then, as always, her groans gave way to praise for God’ goodness. A focus of gratitude, begun early in life, parted the clouds and let the sun shine through.
What is your focus today, regardless of your feelings? Is it one of gratitude for Jesus and His gift of eternal life? If so, you’ll grow sweeter as you grow older. – Joanie Yoder
We can be young in heart and mind,
To others we can yet be kind,
Sing songs of praise to God through tears,
And grow in grace through all our years. – Zimmerman
READ: Psalm 90
What you will be tomorrow depends on the choices you make today.
The Bible in one year:
• Ezekiel 1-2
• Hebrews 11:1-19