That’s the way it works

Strive together with me in prayers to God for me. – Romans 15:30

In his book Dear Zoe, Max De Pree writes, "The way to turn problems over to the Lord is to ask His people for help."

Before flying to Europe on business, Max learned that his daughter was pregnant. Her marriage, however, was in serious trouble. Sorrow and joy filled his heart as he prayed and sought to commit her to the Lord’s care.

The next day he shared his pain with his close friend David Hubbard and told him that he was uneasy about leaving for Europe. He asked David if he would be willing to keep in touch with his daughter, to call or to visit if necessary. David assured him that he would. Max was relieved but also perplexed. He said, "Why is it I feel so relieved to place her in your hands, but last night when I placed her in the Lord’s hands, I didn’t feel so relieved?" David kindly explained that this is how the body of Christ is supposed to work.

The apostle Paul was keenly aware of that fact. Facing possible opposition from unbelievers in Jerusalem, he asked the Christians at Rome to join in his struggle by praying that he would be rescued from them (Romans 15:30-31).

Lord, may we not be too proud to ask for Your help by asking for help from Your children. – Dennis De Haan

God often meets our deepest need

With help we gain from others,

From caring members of His church –

Our sisters and our brothers. – D. De Haan

READ: Romans 15:23-33

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2

The Bible in one year:

• Nehemiah 4-6

• Acts 2:22-47

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