God forgives disobedience
July 24, 2005 | 12:00am
I will heal their backsliding. I will love them freely. Hosea 14:4
Ill never forget the painful lesson I learned in early childhood about disobedience. My father, who had been mowing our lawn, interrupted his work to go shopping. He left the push mower standing near some flowers and ordered me not to touch it while he was gone. But I disobeyed him and gave it a push. To my shock, the mower veered and knocked over several flowers.
When Dad returned, I blubbered, "I didnt mean to do it!" Wisely, he replied, "Why did you do it then?" I knew the truth I did mean to push the mower. My sin wasnt that I mowed the flowers down, it was that I disobeyed my father.
This childhood lesson is a reminder to be sorry for disobedience and not just the consequences. Rather than blubber to God, "I didnt mean to do it," I do what Hosea told wayward Israel to do: "Take words [of repentance] with you, and return to the LORD" (Hosea 14:2). I tell the Lord honestly that I knew His will but chose to disobey, and cry out for His mercy. Praise God, He forgives!
Are you grieved that you chose to disobey, and not merely sorry about the consequences? Then "take words with you, and return to the LORD" today. He promises to forgive you of your sin, for He loves you freely (v. 4). Joanie Yoder
Ive strayed, O Lord, and turned aside,
Ive disobeyed Your voice;
But now with contrite heart I turn
And make Your will my choice. D. De Haan
READ: Hosea 14
Repentance keeps the way clear in our walk with God.
Ill never forget the painful lesson I learned in early childhood about disobedience. My father, who had been mowing our lawn, interrupted his work to go shopping. He left the push mower standing near some flowers and ordered me not to touch it while he was gone. But I disobeyed him and gave it a push. To my shock, the mower veered and knocked over several flowers.
When Dad returned, I blubbered, "I didnt mean to do it!" Wisely, he replied, "Why did you do it then?" I knew the truth I did mean to push the mower. My sin wasnt that I mowed the flowers down, it was that I disobeyed my father.
This childhood lesson is a reminder to be sorry for disobedience and not just the consequences. Rather than blubber to God, "I didnt mean to do it," I do what Hosea told wayward Israel to do: "Take words [of repentance] with you, and return to the LORD" (Hosea 14:2). I tell the Lord honestly that I knew His will but chose to disobey, and cry out for His mercy. Praise God, He forgives!
Are you grieved that you chose to disobey, and not merely sorry about the consequences? Then "take words with you, and return to the LORD" today. He promises to forgive you of your sin, for He loves you freely (v. 4). Joanie Yoder
Ive strayed, O Lord, and turned aside,
Ive disobeyed Your voice;
But now with contrite heart I turn
And make Your will my choice. D. De Haan
READ: Hosea 14
Repentance keeps the way clear in our walk with God.
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