Make a difference
July 7, 2005 | 12:00am
While Annas and Caiaphas were high priests, the word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. – Luke 3:2
Seven men are mentioned in Luke 3, who had political, economic, and religious control over Israel: Roman Emperor Tiberias Caesar, Governor Pontius Pilate, the tetrarchs Herod, Philip, and Lysanias, along with high priests Annas and Caiaphas. While they were in power, "The word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. And he went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins" (vv. 2-3).
What possible difference could it make for a person with no money and power to respond to God’s word when it seemed that others were so firmly in control? How could the actions of one insignificant person change anything? The answer is revealed in John the Baptist’s message of repentance, his announcement of the coming Messiah (vv. 16-17), and his bold confronting of Herod (v. 19). John’s role was to prepare the way for Jesus the Messiah, and the world was blessed by his obedience.
Today our task as Christians is to reflect the crucified and risen Savior in everything we do, and to tell others about Him. God calls each of us to live according to His instructions in the Bible. Our response will make all the difference in the world. – David C. McCasland
The laws of God are true and right;
They stand as firm today
As when He put them in His Word
And told us to obey. – Fasick
READ: Luke 3:1-20
Obedience to God is the key to a lasting influence.
Seven men are mentioned in Luke 3, who had political, economic, and religious control over Israel: Roman Emperor Tiberias Caesar, Governor Pontius Pilate, the tetrarchs Herod, Philip, and Lysanias, along with high priests Annas and Caiaphas. While they were in power, "The word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. And he went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins" (vv. 2-3).
What possible difference could it make for a person with no money and power to respond to God’s word when it seemed that others were so firmly in control? How could the actions of one insignificant person change anything? The answer is revealed in John the Baptist’s message of repentance, his announcement of the coming Messiah (vv. 16-17), and his bold confronting of Herod (v. 19). John’s role was to prepare the way for Jesus the Messiah, and the world was blessed by his obedience.
Today our task as Christians is to reflect the crucified and risen Savior in everything we do, and to tell others about Him. God calls each of us to live according to His instructions in the Bible. Our response will make all the difference in the world. – David C. McCasland
The laws of God are true and right;
They stand as firm today
As when He put them in His Word
And told us to obey. – Fasick
READ: Luke 3:1-20
Obedience to God is the key to a lasting influence.
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