New hope

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13

Grant Murphy of Seattle was the active type, a man who ran at full throttle. Idling and coasting were not in his nature. "One might even call him hyperactive," recalled a dear friend.

Then multiple sclerosis began to slow Grant down. First he needed crutches to get around. Then he was limited to sitting in a chair. Finally he was confined to a bed.

Near the end, he was hardly strong enough to talk. His friend recalls, however, that "he expressed only joy and thankfulness with a constant anticipation of being in the Lord’s presence." Not long before he died, Grant whispered Romans 15:13 to a friend. He repeated the words "in believing", then added, "I can’t do anything now."

It’s when we can’t do anything that God does everything. And herein lies a profound paradox of the Christian’s experience. Faith is simultaneously an exercise of our will and the impartation of divine strength. And from that marvelous mixture spring joy and peace and an abundance of hope.

Are you in a totally helpless situation? Strength gone? All options exhausted? If you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, God will strengthen you to keep on believing. As you trust Him, He’ll give you not only joy and peace, but also hope when all hope is gone. – Dennis De Haan

When we are weak and in despair,

Our mighty God is near;

He’ll give us strength and joy and hope,

And calm our inner fear. – Spear

READ: Romans 15:5-13

No one is hopeless whose hope is in God.

The Bible in one year:

• 1 Chronicles 13-15

• John 7:1-27

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