The lost book

I have found the Book of the Law in the house of the Lord. – 2 Kings 22:8

Two US Senate staffers were cleaning out a storeroom underneath the Capitol when they spotted a partially opened door nearby. Curious, they stepped inside and found a small room jammed with dusty old brochures and payroll records. A leatherbound book with gold lettering caught their attention: Senators’ Compensation and Mileage. It bore the dates 1790-1881.

What a find! It was a one-of-a-kind record of every dollar paid to senators during the Senate’s first 90 years. Plus, the book contains the handwritten signatures of founding fathers Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. "The book speaks volumes," says historian Richard Baker. "There is nothing that comes remotely close to it in the archives of the Senate."

I imagine that Hilkiah the high priest felt even more excitement when he discovered the long-lost "Book of the Law" in some hidden cranny in the temple (2 Kings 22:8). King Josiah recognized its value and ordered it to be read aloud to all the people of Judah (23:1-2).

Maybe it has been a while since you’ve read portions of the Bible such as Leviticus, Zechariah, or Philemon. Dust them off and try reading them. They speak volumes – and their message may be just what you need. – Dave Egner

I entered the world’s great library doors;

I crossed their acres of polished floors;

I searched and searched their stacks and nooks,

And settled at last on the Book of books. – Anon.

READ: 2 Kings 22:8-13

The Bible is old, but its truths are always new.

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