Butterfly man

Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. – Galatians 5:16

The Internet is one of the most remarkable developments of our time. How astounding that with a few keystrokes you can find out the address of Uncle Frank in Schenectady, New York, or the recipe for a Brazilian fish dish, or the statistics for your favorite athlete.

Of course, the Internet opens up a whole world of sinful choices as well. That’s why many Internet providers offer a service to protect a family’s computer from sites that promote immorality. One company used a comical-looking man dressed as a butterfly to represent the service, and in an advertisement showed him shielding children from various immoral activities.

Christianity have a similar resource, and it doesn’t cost us a monthly fee. It’s not the butterfly man – it’s the Holy Spirit, who lives in the heart of each believer. As we seek guidance from God’s Word and pray, He will enable us to detect and filter out the immoral. He can help us to keep from going where we shouldn’t go, doing what we shouldn’t do, and saying what we shouldn’t say.

The world, like the Internet, has much we need to avoid. As we daily seek to "walk in the Spirit," relying on His wisdom and power, we can stay clean. – Dave Branon

The Spirit gives us power to live

A life that’s pleasing to the Lord;

He also guides us and provides

Direction in God’s holy Word. – Sper

READ: Galatians 5:13-26

The Holy Spirit is our ever-present protector.

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