Trash disposal

Do not speak evil of one another. – JAMES 4:11

While riding in a car, I passed a sign that warned: $100 FINE FOR THROWING LITTER ON HIGHWAY. Soon I saw another sign that stated: LITTER BARREL – 1 MILE. A short time later, I passed a garbage truck on its way to the disposal plant.

There are three things you can do with garbage. You can collect it, scatter it, or dispose of it. Some people are garbage collectors; they are always listening for some choice bit of gossip. If they were only collectors, it would not be so serious. But these collectors are often litterbugs, and insist on scattering it all along life’s highway. Thank God, there are also those who know how to dispose of it. They put the refuse where it belongs – in the "litter barrel" of forgetfulness.

JAMES 4:11 tells us, "Do not speak evil of one another." If you can’t say something helpful, don’t say anything. If you hear a damaging rumor, immediately put in the "litter bag". Then breathe a prayer for the person being talked about, as well as for the one who told you. Don’t spread gossip, but dispose of it by silence. Gossip soon dies if it is not repeated.

Today you will find plenty of garbage. You can collect it, scatter it, or dispose of it. Ask God to help you do what pleases Him and is helpful to others.


Button up your lip securely

‘Gainst the words that bring a tear,

But be swift with words of comfort,

Words of praise, and words of cheer.


READ: JAMES 4:11-17

Do your part to silence

gossip – don’t repeat it.

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