Alpha and Omega

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord. – Revelation 1:8

The meaning of the words Alpha and Omega – terms that refer to the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet – is fairly easy to understand. Like A and Z, they simply mean "the beginning" and "the end".

In life, we understand these concepts. Things begin . . . things end. Jobs start . . . jobs stop. Decades come . . . decades go. Birth . . . death.

But there is something special and unique about the words Alpha and Omega as they appear in REVELATION (1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13). Jesus Christ used those terms to describe Himself – terms that refer to His deity.

When used in Scripture, the words have an almost unfathomable meaning. Jesus, the Alpha, had no beginning. He existed before time, before the creation of the universe (JOHN 1:1). As the first cause of all that exists (vv. 2-3), Jesus cannot be limited by the word Alpha. And as the Omega, He is not the "end" as we know it. He will continue to exist into the everlasting, never-ending future.

It’s mind-boggling and awe-inspiring – this view of our Lord. He’s the one "who is and who was and who is to come" (REVELATION 1:8). He’s the Alpha and the Omega, the Almighty God. Not only that, He’s our Savior (TITUS 2:13). As such, He deserves our praise, our lives, our all! – J. David Branon

Alpha, Omega – our God we proclaim,

Eternal, unchanging, always the same;

He’s the beginning and He is the end.

He is our Savior, our Lord, and our Friend. – Fitzhugh


For time and for eternity, Jesus is all we need.

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