At the well

With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. – Isaiah 12:3

A guide in Israel was preparing to lead a tour into the desert. His instructions to the group were simple and clear: "If you do not have these two items, I will not allow you to accompany us. You must have a broad-brimmed hat and a full bottle of water. These will protect you from the sun, and from the thirst caused by wind and dryness."

Water. It’s essential to survival. That’s why a woman came to the well in Samaria (JOHN 4:7). She came at noon, when few people were there. She was startled when a young Jewish man asked her for something to drink. Jesus broke huge barriers with His request – she was a woman, had been married many times, and wasn’t a Jew.

Jesus offered her water far better than that from the well. He had "living water", which only He could give (vv. 10, 13-14). I believe she took that water and was spiritually cleansed, for she told everyone what she had experienced: "Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?" (v. 29).

Are you at the well? Is your soul thirsting for God? Do you need the cleansing and refreshment He offers? He is waiting there to satisfy you with the "living water" of salvation and the gift of everlasting life. – David C. Egner

Gracious and Almighty Savior,

Source of all that shall endure,

Quench my thirst with living water,

Living water, clear and pure. – Vinal

READ: JOHN 4:5-26

Jesus is the only fountain who can satisfy the thirsty soul.

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