Good news or bad news?
March 8, 2004 | 12:00am
Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. – Luke 12:37
A teacher tells her young students, "Class, I’m going down the hall to the school office for a few minutes. I don’t expect to be away long. I’m sure there won’t be any trouble. I’m trusting you to work on your assignments while I’m gone."
Fifteen minutes pass, then 20, then 40. Suddenly. The teacher returns. Dennis has just thrown an eraser at Carol, who is doing her math. Steve is standing on the teacher’s desk making faces. The students carrying out the teacher’s instructions are delighted at the teacher’s return, but Dennis and Steven wish she hadn’t come back at all.
Jesus is coming back! That stands as both a warning and a promise throughout the New Testament, as in today’s reading from LUKE 12. It’s good news or bad, depending on who hears it.
In church we sing songs like Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus. When we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we "proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes" (1 CORINTHIANS 11:26). On Sunday morning, the second coming of Christ sounds like great news. But during the rest of the week, are we as ready for His return?
Jesus is coming back! It may be soon. It will be sudden. Is that good news or bad? It’s up to you. – Haddon W. Robinson
When Jesus comes to reward His servants,
Whether it be noon or night,
Faithful to Him will He find us watching,
With our lamps all trimmed and bright? – Crosby
READ: LUKE 12:35-40
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your LORD is coming. – Matthew 24:42
A teacher tells her young students, "Class, I’m going down the hall to the school office for a few minutes. I don’t expect to be away long. I’m sure there won’t be any trouble. I’m trusting you to work on your assignments while I’m gone."
Fifteen minutes pass, then 20, then 40. Suddenly. The teacher returns. Dennis has just thrown an eraser at Carol, who is doing her math. Steve is standing on the teacher’s desk making faces. The students carrying out the teacher’s instructions are delighted at the teacher’s return, but Dennis and Steven wish she hadn’t come back at all.
Jesus is coming back! That stands as both a warning and a promise throughout the New Testament, as in today’s reading from LUKE 12. It’s good news or bad, depending on who hears it.
In church we sing songs like Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus. When we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we "proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes" (1 CORINTHIANS 11:26). On Sunday morning, the second coming of Christ sounds like great news. But during the rest of the week, are we as ready for His return?
Jesus is coming back! It may be soon. It will be sudden. Is that good news or bad? It’s up to you. – Haddon W. Robinson
When Jesus comes to reward His servants,
Whether it be noon or night,
Faithful to Him will He find us watching,
With our lamps all trimmed and bright? – Crosby
READ: LUKE 12:35-40
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your LORD is coming. – Matthew 24:42
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