Who’s going to heaven?
February 22, 2004 | 12:00am
We conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law. – Romans 3:28
A poll for U.S. News & World Report asked 1,000 adults their opinion about who would likely make it into heaven. At the top of that list, to no one’s surprise, was a well-known religious figure. Several celebrities were also listed. But it was surprising to me that of the people being surveyed, 87 percent thought they themselves were likely to get into heaven.
I can’t help but wonder what qualifications for admission into heaven they had in mind. People have many erroneous ideas about what God requires.
Is it virtuous character? Giving generous contributions to deserving charities? Following an orthodox creed? Attending church and being involved in religious activities? Commendable as these qualities may be, they miss by an eternity the one thing God requires for entrance into heaven – a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (JOHN 1:12; 1 TIMOTHY 2:5). Although faith in Jesus will no doubt be seen in a person’s actions (JAMES 2:14-20), charitable living or religious activity is not a substitute for trusting in Jesus’ sacrificial death for our sin.
Are you confident that you’re headed for heaven? You can be – but only if you’re trusting in Jesus. – Vernon Grounds
There aren’t many ways into heaven;
The Bible says there’s only one:
Confessing Christ Jesus as Savior,
Believing in God’s only Son. – Sper
READ: ROMANS 3:21-28
Jesus took our place on the cross to give us a place in heaven.
The Bible in one year:
A poll for U.S. News & World Report asked 1,000 adults their opinion about who would likely make it into heaven. At the top of that list, to no one’s surprise, was a well-known religious figure. Several celebrities were also listed. But it was surprising to me that of the people being surveyed, 87 percent thought they themselves were likely to get into heaven.
I can’t help but wonder what qualifications for admission into heaven they had in mind. People have many erroneous ideas about what God requires.
Is it virtuous character? Giving generous contributions to deserving charities? Following an orthodox creed? Attending church and being involved in religious activities? Commendable as these qualities may be, they miss by an eternity the one thing God requires for entrance into heaven – a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (JOHN 1:12; 1 TIMOTHY 2:5). Although faith in Jesus will no doubt be seen in a person’s actions (JAMES 2:14-20), charitable living or religious activity is not a substitute for trusting in Jesus’ sacrificial death for our sin.
Are you confident that you’re headed for heaven? You can be – but only if you’re trusting in Jesus. – Vernon Grounds
There aren’t many ways into heaven;
The Bible says there’s only one:
Confessing Christ Jesus as Savior,
Believing in God’s only Son. – Sper
READ: ROMANS 3:21-28
Jesus took our place on the cross to give us a place in heaven.
The Bible in one year:
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