The God of Hosea

I will allure her, will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her. – Hosea 2:14

At the end of Marc Connelly’s play Green Pastures, old Hezdrel says he’s not afraid to die because he believes in the God of Hosea. The Lord then speaks to him and asks if he didn’t mean to say the God of Moses. Hezdrel says no, and explains that he saw the Lord of Hosea as being full of mercy and not fearsome anymore.

Hezdrel’s certainty was based on a true story, played out long ago. It’s a tale of unrequited love: Hosea’s relentless love for unfaithful Gomer. She turned again and again to other lovers, and her infidelities broke Hosea’s heart. But he never stopped loving her.

Gomer descended into a very dark place. I picture her used up, worn out, disease-ridden, laden with sadness, with nothing left – except Hosea’s love.

The relationship between Hosea and Gomer was a picture of God’s relationship with Israel. Although Israel had been unfaithful, and she was suffering the consequences, the Lord continued to pursue her and speak tenderly to her (2:14).

As Hosea’s neighbors watched his story unfold, I imagine someone asking, "What is this irrational love?" And someone replying, "I see! Hosea loves Gomer and God loves me!"

This is the God of Hosea. Embrace His love, and discover that He isn’t a fearsome God anymore. – David Roper

For further study

Read the book of Hosea and note God’s words of love.

Read the online booklet
How Has God Loved Us? at this Internet site:

READ: Hosea 1:1-3; 2:14-20

To renew your love for God, review God’s love for you.

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