Beware of envy!

A sound heart is life to the body, but envy is rottenness to the bones. – Proverbs 14:30

Envy may be defined as "resentment at the success or happiness of others". Many cultures regard envy lightly. A home remodeling company in Washington, DC ran an ad that actually appealed to this vice. It used such phrases as "living room lust" and "kitchen envy". It went on to state that you could become the envy of your neighborhood while enhancing the value of your home.

The Bible views envy quite differently, calling it "rottenness to the bones" (Proverbs 14:30). It was out of envy that the religious leaders sought to kill Jesus (Matthew 27:20). And in Galatians 5:19-26, envy is listed among the life-destroying "works of the flesh".

In 1 Samuel 18, we read that envy contributed to the downfall of King Saul. He had begun his rule well, but because he disobeyed God’s command he was rejected as king (15:23). Instead of humbly accepting God’s decision, he became consumed with envy and hatred toward David (18:8-9). From then on, Saul distanced himself from God and even sought counsel from a medium (28:7). In the end, he took his own life after a shameful defeat by the Philistines (31:4-5). Envy had destroyed him.

Envy can ruin a life. Never take it lightly! – Herb Vander Lugt

When other people find success

But you do not advance,

Do you congratulate their gain

Or wish you had their chance? – Sper

READ: 1 Samuel 18:1-16

When you turn green with envy you are ripe for trouble.

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