Cut-flower Christians
September 23, 2003 | 12:00am
Without Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
I enjoy buying or receiving a fresh bouquet of cut flowers. After admiring and smelling them, I waste no time getting them into water. Even though fresh and beautiful when I get them, their days are numbered. Because theyve been served from their life-source, they will soon wither and die. I know that one day I will have to throw them away.
Author Lloyd Ogilvie sees in this a picture of the Christian whose spiritual vitality has faded and shriveled. Such a person has become a "cut-flower Christians". Jesus used a similar illustration about a vine and its branches to describe our relationship to Him. Just as a branch cant bear fruit by itself, He explained, we cant bear spiritual fruit unless we abide in Him, the true vine (John 15:4).
If a branch could speak, it wouldnt apologize for its need to depend on the vine for bearing fruit. I would say instead. "For this I was made!" Jesus knew we were made for dependence on Him, our life-source no apology needed! In fact, such dependence is the only way to avoid becoming a "cut-flower Christian".
Lets embrace His declaration, "Without Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). As we depend on Him, we will bear much fruit and for this we were made. Joanie E. Yoder
READ: John 15:1-8
Closer yet Id cling, dear Savior,
Youre the all-sufficient Vine;
You alone can make me fruitful,
Blessed source of strength divine. Bosch
Fellowship with Christ is the secret of fruitfulness.
I enjoy buying or receiving a fresh bouquet of cut flowers. After admiring and smelling them, I waste no time getting them into water. Even though fresh and beautiful when I get them, their days are numbered. Because theyve been served from their life-source, they will soon wither and die. I know that one day I will have to throw them away.
Author Lloyd Ogilvie sees in this a picture of the Christian whose spiritual vitality has faded and shriveled. Such a person has become a "cut-flower Christians". Jesus used a similar illustration about a vine and its branches to describe our relationship to Him. Just as a branch cant bear fruit by itself, He explained, we cant bear spiritual fruit unless we abide in Him, the true vine (John 15:4).
If a branch could speak, it wouldnt apologize for its need to depend on the vine for bearing fruit. I would say instead. "For this I was made!" Jesus knew we were made for dependence on Him, our life-source no apology needed! In fact, such dependence is the only way to avoid becoming a "cut-flower Christian".
Lets embrace His declaration, "Without Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). As we depend on Him, we will bear much fruit and for this we were made. Joanie E. Yoder
READ: John 15:1-8
Closer yet Id cling, dear Savior,
Youre the all-sufficient Vine;
You alone can make me fruitful,
Blessed source of strength divine. Bosch
Fellowship with Christ is the secret of fruitfulness.
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