Your place in time

Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? – Esther 4:14

During a visit to the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, I was intrigued by an exhibit called Your Place In Time. It was a nostalgic and revealing walk through displays of national and world events. This included popular entertainment and living conditions in the United States for people in the War Generation, the Eisenhower Generation, the Baby Boomers, and beyond. I left with the inescapable conclusion that though you and I cannot choose the period of history in which we live, we must decide how we will live during our place in time.

This truth is illustrated by the courageous actions of young Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai. When a hate-filled man named Haman sought to destroy their people, Mordecai urged Esther to risk approaching the king on their behalf. He said, "Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14). It’s an important question that every Christian should consider.

Like Esther, each of us is a unique individual in history. Our birth was no accident and neither is God’s call to be His representatives wherever we live, work, or go to school. It’s a great privilege to belong to Christ and a high calling to stand boldly for Him during our place in time. – David C. McCasland

All things work out for good we know –

Such is God’s great design;

He orders all our steps below

For purposes divine. – Peterson

READ: Esther 4

Every child of God has a special place in His plan.

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