Nothing like a Dad
June 15, 2003 | 12:00am
Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
In Hemispheres magazine, family counselor John Rosemond wrote that a father plays a unique and crucial role in the lives of his children. Its not enough just to be present. Dad must be "actively involved" and "a vigorously interested participant in the child-rearing process".
Rosemond offers six ways to become more involved with your child:
1. Find an activity you and your child can do together and make time for it regularly.
2. Help (but dont force) your child to develop hobbies and interests.
3. As your child grows through the teen years, become less a disciplinarian and more a mentor.
4. Talk to your child and keep communicating by being a good listener.
5. Love your childs mother with all your heart.
6. Remember, a child is never too old to be told, "I love you".
Gods Word provides these instructions: "Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4). Parenting roles change as children grow up, but our God-given responsibility remains the same.
Lord, help us to be the fathers our children need. David C. McCasland
Take stock of yourself and consider your child
Your time and your thoughts are his due;
For how would you answer the Lord should He ask,
"What kind of father are you?" Anon.
READ: Ephesians 5:25-6:4
A child is likely to see God as a good Father if he sees God in his father.
The Bible in one year:
Nehemiah 1-3
Acts 2:1-21
In Hemispheres magazine, family counselor John Rosemond wrote that a father plays a unique and crucial role in the lives of his children. Its not enough just to be present. Dad must be "actively involved" and "a vigorously interested participant in the child-rearing process".
Rosemond offers six ways to become more involved with your child:
1. Find an activity you and your child can do together and make time for it regularly.
2. Help (but dont force) your child to develop hobbies and interests.
3. As your child grows through the teen years, become less a disciplinarian and more a mentor.
4. Talk to your child and keep communicating by being a good listener.
5. Love your childs mother with all your heart.
6. Remember, a child is never too old to be told, "I love you".
Gods Word provides these instructions: "Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4). Parenting roles change as children grow up, but our God-given responsibility remains the same.
Lord, help us to be the fathers our children need. David C. McCasland
Take stock of yourself and consider your child
Your time and your thoughts are his due;
For how would you answer the Lord should He ask,
"What kind of father are you?" Anon.
READ: Ephesians 5:25-6:4
A child is likely to see God as a good Father if he sees God in his father.
The Bible in one year:
Nehemiah 1-3
Acts 2:1-21
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