“Do not be afraid”
Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD, shared this in his article, Moments: “The Holy Week is finished. So is the season of Lent. But life goes on. May the spirit of the Holy Week, and the discipline of Lent continue to be a part of our journey through life. May the joy and the hope of Easter be always in our hearts!”
This is the same reminder we were told during Christmas –“May the spirit of Christmas be always in our hearts.”
Bottom line for us all to never forget: Jesus Christ is always with us. He was born, crucified and died, but on the third day, He resurrected, victorious over death, for our salvation and redemption.
The post-Easter Sunday readings and messages are inspiring.
From Matthew 28:5-6: “But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, as He said.”
These subsequent reflections from “Guideposts Daily Scripture and Reflection:”
“A Time to Think : The Easter message tells us: You need not be afraid of anything—not life with all its insecurities, its conflicts, its uncertainties; not afraid of even death itself. You need have no fear—no fear! (Norman Vincent Peale) A Time to Act: Be filled with the power of tremendous hope. A Time to Pray: Dear God, thank You for Your sacrifice. Thank You for making all things new! Shine Your light over me. Help me reflect Your peace and hope.”
From Luke 24:52: “And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.”
Again, from “Guideposts Daily Scripture and Reflection:”
“A Time to Think: Easter won’t really come for me until I know that every day, in all my comings and goings, the Christ of Easter is present in my life. (Kenneth Chafin)
A Time to Act: On this Easter Monday, know that the risen Christ walks ahead of you to prepare the way. There can be no circumstance in which He will not meet you.
A Time to Pray: Lord, help me celebrate Easter’s victory in all areas of my life.”
Fr. Tito Caluag in his daily Kapamilya post-Easter masses shared that the women and the disciples did not immediately recognize the resurrected Jesus.
But upon recognizing Jesus, they rejoiced, rejoined their group, and proceeded with their mission to proclaim the Lord, His Resurrection, God’s Kingdom, His love and salvation!
The same observation from Fr. Jerry Orbos:
“In today’s Gospel (John 20:1-9), we hear about the discovery of the empty tomb by Mary Magdalene, Peter, and the “other disciple” that first Easter morning.
It must have been such a puzzling experience for them.
But it was also a life-giving experience for them who needed assurance and strength, to bring them out of their own tombs of fear and doubts.
Yes, may the Resurrection empower us too, and bring us to new life!
It is because of the Resurrection, that we can go beyond living long to living on.
It is also because of the Resurrection that we can love and be loved fully now and in eternity.
The Resurrection is about living out hope and joy in our lives.
The message of this Risen Lord about His victory over death itself gives us the assurance that there is a reason, and there is a mission in everything that happens in our lives.
We see life in the eyes of faith which gives us so much comfort, assurance, and strength. But our gift is something we want to share with the world that has not yet heard the “good news” of our salvation.
The Resurrection story must be told and spread far and wide. Along with the Resurrection is mission.”
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