

EDITORIAL - Face the music

The Philippine Star

As of last weekend, Negros Oriental 3rd District Rep. Arnolfo Teves Jr. was deemed AWOL from the House of Representatives, whose leadership urged him to return to work “as soon as possible” because his authorized leave of absence was only until March 9.

Teves was in the United States ostensibly for medical reasons on March 4 when heavily armed men barged into the home of Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo in Pamplona town and opened fire. Degamo and eight others were killed, including a doctor and several people waiting for ayuda from the local government.

Three of the gunmen and a driver were caught hours later and a fourth gunman was shot dead by pursuing police and military teams in Bayawan City, home turf of the Teves clan. At least one of those caught pointed to a “Congressman Teves” as the one who allegedly ordered the hit on Degamo.

It’s unclear if the suspect is referring to Teves or his brother Pryde Henry, who served as 3rd district congressman from 2007 to 2016 and subsequently as Bayawan mayor until last year, when he briefly took office as Negros Oriental governor before being unseated in favor of Degamo.

The incumbent congressman has denied involvement in Degamo’s assassination, but he can best expound on this if he returns. He may also want to check on his properties in Bayawan, whose entire police force has been sacked. Last week raiders armed with a court-issued warrant searched the properties and confiscated several unlicensed guns and a hand grenade. Probers said one of the guns was confirmed to have been used in the attack on Degamo. Authorities stressed that the search warrant was in connection with three murders in 2019 for which Arnolfo Teves and five others now face criminal charges.

Teves’ lawyer has said the congressman wants to return to the country but fears for his safety. The House leadership, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla and the Philippine National Police have all given assurances that Teves will get sufficient protection upon his return.

Although neither of the Teves brothers has been indicted in connection with the mass killings in Pamplona, suspicion is focused on the clan. If they truly have no hand in Degamo’s murder, the Teves brothers should want to clear their name as soon as possible. The only way to do this is to face the music – the sooner, the better. It’s time for Arnolfo Teves Jr. to come home.

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