If I were BBM…

Something unusual happened to me the other day. I attended a luncheon upon the invitation of a political secretary of a foreign embassy. As I animatedly spoke about the reforms needed to realize our development goals, I found myself speaking in the third person’s perspective, as if I was BBM. The secretary noticed it, as did I. I immediately corrected myself, apologized and chalked it up to over-enthusiasm.
On the way back to the office, I realized that I was more politically considerate about my views when I spoke as if in BBM’s shoes. So as I sat down to write this piece, I decided to roll with it. Why not? What would I do if I were President Bongbong Marcos?
First of all, I would be quite pleased with myself. I vindicated the Marcos brand by winning the presidency by a commanding margin. I accomplished my mission as my father’s son.
But the presidency comes with a multitude of problems. On my shoulders lie the specter of war right in our backyard; the problems of poverty, unemployment and a festering cost of living crisis; a widening current account deficit and the heightened threat of destabilization by political factions, among others.
Considering the highs and lows I had been through in my life, fame and fortune no longer appeal to me. They are already a given. What matters, at this juncture, is the legacy and the positive impact I leave behind. I would like history to count me as a game-changer, not by disinformation or fake propaganda, but because I indeed changed the trajectory of the country.
I will choose my battles since it is impossible to solve all the country’s problems in six years. I will focus on imminent threats and reforms that carry maximum impact.
Among our most urgent threats is the high probability of war in Taiwan and dealing with China’s creeping invasion in the West Philippine Sea. I would do exactly what BBM is doing – engage with countries who believe in a rules-based framework for international discourse, democracy and free market capitalism. I will strengthen military cooperation with the US, Japan, Australia, Canada and the European Union.
I will not worry about aggravating China because China is already aggravated. Cool heads do not point lasers at so called “friends” with the intent to fire. China is the enemy not only of the Philippines but of at least nine Asian countries, all of whom China is grabbing territories from. China is pursuing its territorial ambitions with impunity and this has disturbed the peace in the region.
That said, we need partners to help us defend our sovereignty and way of life. I will hasten to sign a new defense treaty with Japan with an expanded VFA and as well as the Philippine-Canada Defense MOU.
More importantly, I will formulate a new national defense strategy. This time, it will be geared towards territorial defense rather than domestic insurgency. I will invest heavily in the capacitation of the armed forces, especially the navy.
The country’s needs are enormous but our resources are scarce. A 2019 study showed that a whopping P734 billion, or 20 percent of the national budget, go to corruption every year. Indeed, corruption is the cause of the country’s perennial underachievement.
The Marcos name has been synonymous with plunder and corruption, worldwide. As BBM, I will turn the narrative on its head and become the champion of good, honest governance. How to quell corruption is a topic for another piece; suffice it to say that doing so will free resources to meet the country’s many needs. I will also criminalize deeds of entitlement among government functionaries and their next of kin. Doing these will make me (BBM) a worldwide hero.
Investment in infrastructure will accelerate our development. This, I will pursue with vigor. However, I will prioritize human and social infrastructure first before physical infrastructure, just as ex-NEDA secretary Ernesto Pernia advised.
Human infrastructure, specifically nutrition, health care and education, are fundamental. As it stands, 26.5 percent of our youth are victims of stunted growth, hence unable to realize their full mental and physical potential as an adult. In education, Filipino youth are the world’s laggards in reading, math and science. The next generation of Filipinos is doomed to be the blue collar workers of the world unless we address the situation now.
Social infrastructure like health care facilities, schools and social safety nets merit the second highest appropriation of resources. As for physical infrastructure, I would lean on Private Public Partnerships given our track record of success utilizing this modality.
As for the economy, I will make manufacturing resurgence a national priority. We need it urgently to diminish our reliance on imports and stabilize our current account deficit. The economy must be recalibrated from one that is 74 percent consumer-driven to one where production comprises at least 40 percent. I will revive the successful Manufacturing Resurgence Program initiated in 2013, albeit with modifications.
The country needs to be a world champion in at least one industry. Doing so will provide much needed forex revenues to trim our deficits whilst fanning the flames of national pride. It will boost our people’s morale. It will be an undeniable win for the administration and a symbol of its success. This badge of victory is politically necessary, given the intensifying campaigns to destabilize my government.
We are in pole position to be a global champion in the IT-KPO sector given our young, tech savvy, English speaking population. Besides, the seeds of success in the IT-KPO space are already there, what with annual revenues of $33 billion. Admittedly, a lot needs to be done to capacitate and better educate our youth. But countries like India have done it despite facing similar challenges. We will do well to learn from the Indian model.
And speaking of national pride, I will make good on my promise to bring back the “golden age” of the Philippines. The “golden age” makes reference not only to rapid economic growth (which we are already achieving) but in a strong country brand.
A strong country brand translates to soft power. What is soft power? It is a country’s ability to influence global decisions and change mindsets, not through coercion but by persuasion. This is especially relevant now that we need more allies to forward our security, diplomatic and economic interest.
I will establish a new office focused on external/ global communications. Its mandate will be to trumpet Philippine advances in the socio-economic realm, success stories of human interest, a cultural campaign and, more importantly, our geopolitical agenda.
There is more I would like to do if I were BBM but space limitations prevent me from cramming them all here. Expect a second installment of this trend of thought soon.
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Email: andrew_rs6@yahoo.com. Follow him on Twitter @aj_masigan
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