Laughter lightens the heart

The season of hearts is not just for love. It reminds us, too, that a happy heart does our bodies good, like good  medicine. And laughter greatly helps to make and keep our hearts merry, happy.

Laughter acts as a natural tranquilizer, calms the soul, relaxes the body and mind, as we release feel-good hormones called endorphins.

Laughter helps us not get overwhelmed or upset with small-yet-oftentimes-irritating things and situations … if only we learn to laugh about them.

Laughter acts as  a therapist  within us. And it is contagious! Spread it. Enjoy it.

Surround yourself with people who love to laugh and are generally happy… they emit some magnetic healing power and are wholesome to be with.

Laughter lightens the heart. Helps breathe back energy and enthusiasm into our lives.  Makes us feel alive… positively, healthily, happily!

Being happy is a philosophy, a way of life we can all adopt, the bright sunny side of our existence.  As Shakespeare aptly put it:  “A light heart lives long.”

And I say, a light heart makes every day a GREAT day!  Hohoho, hahaha!

Peace, good health, safety, abundance to us all!

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