Let’s plan and strategize
We cannot overemphasize the basic to make plans and strategies. If we have to develop ourselves as we should, if we have to be truly productive and fruitful, if we have to take advantage of everything in life, whether good or bad, to attain our ultimate goal, then we have to plan and strategize our moves.
Especially for the youth, this skill is very necessary. We have to help develop it. We have to rescue them from the state of being just at the mercy of circumstances. They have to be taught how to shape their life by having a clear vision of their goals and means, and instilling in them a sense of direction and purpose.
Sad to say, many times we allow ourselves to drift away and be carried away by external forces, leaving us completely at their mercy. We obviously are conditioned by certain elements, both inside and outside us, but we are meant to direct our own lives too, since we are the captains of our own ships.
Of course, it is God who is the main shaper of our life. But we have to do our part. So we have to make sure God’s directions are adequately corresponded to not only with the appropriate attitudes and virtues, but also with the appropriate structures, plans, and strategies that vary according to changing circumstances.
We should have some clear vision of our goals, means, and timetables. That way, we would have a better grasp of how to identify and handle issues, problems, and challenges. We would have a good sense of priority, especially nowadays when we are faced with many competing options.
Making plans and strategies may require time and effort, but it’s a worthwhile investment. The little time and effort required can actually multiply our time and make our efforts more productive at day’s end. It’s like the little rudder that St. James talked about in his letter. (cfr. 3,4) Our plans and strategies can have the power to accomplish great things, like a rudder giving direction to a big boat.
In these complicated times, problems and challenges spewing out, the need for plans and strategies have become more indispensable so that we can study them better and know exactly what to do with them. The way things are now, these issues, problems and challenges really need to be studied well, making due consultations when necessary.
What can help is to cultivate the practice of making daily examinations of conscience so we can make a review of what happened during the day and come up with the appropriate plan and strategies for the following day.
Since these examinations of conscience are usually done at the end of the day when we are most likely tired and exhausted, we really need to motivate ourselves to give due attention to this practice. That little investment of effort and sacrifice will surely give back a tremendous return.
We have to be wary of our tendency to simply fall into routine, not making the appropriate offense-and-defense moves. These plans and strategies will greatly help us to stay on the right track toward our ultimate goal in life with as little a distraction and deviation as possible.
We need to have the proper plans and strategies to cope with our need to grow in the virtues and to handle our weaknesses and the temptations and sins.
To be sure, with plans and strategies, we would have a greater chance not only to be clear with our goals but also and more importantly with God himself. And that is the only thing necessary in life in the end.
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