As of yesterday, seven more deaths from the massive flooding had been confirmed, with three individuals still missing. Tropical storm Karding has left the country and meteorologists said the weather is expected to clear up by tomorrow. The woes from torrential flooding, however, do not subside with the water. With neighborhoods still filthy from a mountain of garbage and mud and thousands still crowded in evacuation centers, the next risk is the outbreak of diseases.
Damp surroundings are breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which are carriers of the organisms that cause dengue and malaria. Health authorities have reminded the public to be mindful of dengue symptoms for early treatment. Misdiagnosis and late treatment could lead to death.
Contaminated water can also cause illnesses including cholera and severe diarrhea that can kill young children. In cramped evacuation centers, the close proximity of warm bodies can lead to potentially fatal sepsis and the rapid spread of diseases.
New collapsible units that provide a measure of privacy for families are now in use in certain evacuation centers. But too many people are still housed in crowded temporary shelters.
Just walking around flood-hit neighborhoods can expose people to potentially deadly risks such as leptospirosis and electrocution from exposed wires. The public cannot be reminded enough to be careful when wading into floodwaters, where rodent urine can enter skin cuts or open wounds and cause leptospirosis. The affliction always spikes during the monsoon season.
All over the country, exposed power lines also continue to kill persons unaware of the risks of electrocution especially when standing barefoot on wet ground. Young children must be reminded in school about the risks, while barangay personnel must give the warning to adults.
Saving lives and protecting public health continue after the floods have subsided. Authorities must carry out their tasks with as much zeal as when they rescue people from rampaging floods.