Developing a sense of vocation
I believe that we should arouse in everyone the need to develop a sense of vocation. I believe that this is something that has to be pushed consistently nowadays since there is a lot of ignorance and indifference to this need which is actually basic to all of us.
Of course, we have to do it slowly but steadily. Slowly, because the matter is quite complex and requires a lot of explaining to do. Besides, we have to know how to present things in such a way that they get understood and appreciated especially among the young ones whose mindset, attitudes, culture, etc. are quite different from those of the previous generations.
But, yes, it has to be done steadily, hopefully without let-up, and in a way that can make use of the usual things people get involved in nowadays to lead them to develop a sense of vocation.
It is indeed a big challenge to face, but one that is all worthwhile. And we just have to convince ourselves also that we actually have all the means we need to be able to do the job. Let's try not to vacillate from carrying out this duty.
We need to define, first of all, what a vocation is. It is a call that God, our Creator, makes on each one of us who is his creature, created in his image and likeness, endowed with powers and faculties that together with his grace would enable us to enter and share in the very life of our Creator, God.
We should never forget that we come from God, and not just from our parents, and we also belong to him, and not just to our parents, to anybody else or simply to our own selves.
Thus, the mere fact that we exist as a human person already presumes that we are called by God, that is to say, that God calls us to be with him, or that we have a vocation.
Vocation then has to be understood as having a universal scope. Vocation is not simply meant for some people who may be inclined to things of religion and piety. It is for all.
But that general universal vocation may still have to be made more specific. And this is where one has to be more discerning to see what God is trying to show him. He could remain as a layperson, married or single, or God may want him to be a cleric or a religious person.
And there are many charisms and spiritualities in the Church that one can choose. But as to which one a person is meant to be or to have, I imagine that this can be done if one develops a life of prayer, and makes use of means, like spiritual direction.
But the problem now is that hardly anyone feels the need for real prayer, that intimate conversation with God which should be a result of a loving desire to deal with God, to look for him, and to really know, love and serve him. Otherwise, a person will not feel the need to develop a sense of vocation, or if he feels something in this regard, it will most likely deceive him.
I believe it is important that this matter of developing a sense of vocation should be worked on even in their childhood stage. Of course, it has to be done in ways suitable to the condition of the child, but it should begin at that stage. That way, things become easier and we can save time and effort when the children grow up and start to wonder what and how they should be in life.
In this regard, it should be made clear that we are dealing with spiritual and supernatural realities with a lot of mysteries involved, such that we should pursue this task of developing a sense of vocation with the proper attitude and skills.
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